Home » How to Make Your Cam Straps Last Longer 

How to Make Your Cam Straps Last Longer 


You are probably aware that a cam strap is a specific type of tie-down strap. Yet, despite the name, the difference between a cam strap and other types of tie-down straps such as ratchet straps has nothing to do with the strap itself, but instead the buckle and, therefore, the means by which it is fastened. Of all tie-down straps, cam straps are perhaps the easiest to use. The mechanism of securing the buckle is quite simple and involves pulling the strap tight and then flipping over the buckle to secure it in place. Rollercam, a company specializing in cam straps for the consumer and industrial market, say that cam straps are so versatile and widely popular for precisely this reason. 

The great versatility of these straps means they can be used for all sorts of household and transport applications. And there is certainly a way of keeping your cam straps durable and secure for longer. However, before going on to that, it is vital to stress a crucial point first. 

Who’s Responsibility? 

If you are looking to make your cam straps last for longer, that’s great. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the real responsibility for this lies with the manufacturer and not you. This is because the dangers of a cam strap snapping or even just becoming loose is considerable. If this happens when you are out on the open road, for example, you could cause an accident. If it happens when you’re loading a vehicle with heavy objects, this presents a danger too. So while it is a good idea to look after your cam straps, you should make totally sure they are fully durable when you buy them. Picking up the slack (no pun intended) for poor design or manufacture is no way to guarantee safety. 

Working Load Limit 

Another important thing to consider when either buying or using a cam strap is its working load limit. In fact, this is the most important tip of all when it comes to ensuring their longevity. The working load limit refers to the maximum strain that the cam strap can be placed under when in use. This does not mean that exceeding this once or twice will break the strap, but regularly doing so will pretty much override anything else you do – and will ensure the cam strap breaks eventually. 

How to Make Them Last  

So, here follows some of the things you can do to make your cam straps last:

Keep Them Oiled 

Specifically, you should ensure the buckle and moving parts of the cam strap are kept well lubricated. This will prevent rust (which weakens the buckles) and it will also prevent them becoming jammed or binding (when they cannot be released). 

Dry Before Storing 

Good cam straps can certainly handle bad weather, so you don’t need to worry about using them in the rain. However, before rolling them up for storage, dry them out first. Storing wet straps encourages the growth of mold and spores, which ultimately weakens the fabric. 

Remove Fabric from the Buckle 

If you transport a particular item often, then there is a chance that a single pressure point along the strap could be continually exposed to friction and tension around the buckle. Try to unthread the strap from the buckle often and refasten it at a different part of the strap. This will prevent a hotspot of degradation developing and eventually causing breakage. 

In the end, cam straps are heavy-duty equipment that should be built to last. But quoting that old cliché, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

About the author

Mark Karas